Smyth Stolarz Construction Ltd.

How much does it cost to renovate a basement Edmonton

Make Basement Living Better

The cost of a basement renovation varies greatly depending on the size of the area, the number of rooms, and the style of finishes (flooring, cabinets, lighting, etc.) selected by the homeowner. A typical 1100 sq ft basement renovation can be expected to cost around $50,000 on average, depending on the fixtures you choose.

Basement Renovation Estimate Allowances

Allowances can cause confusion when first getting estimates for a project and when choosing a contracting company to do the job. In many cases, some renovators will under budget the allowances for a project to lower the bottom line. By doing this, these companies can underbid the job and win the bid, only going over budget at the time when the materials and fixtures are to be selected for the project. Homeowners need to be aware of this when choosing a renovator so they do not simply choose the lowest bidder and end up paying the same or even higher after the job has been completed. 

Ensuring Accurate Allowances for Materials and Fixtures

An experienced basement renovation contractor like Smyth Stolarz Construction knows what costs are to be expected during a basement renovation. Because of this, more experienced companies may appear to be more expensive at the time of bidding on a job. When they are actually more accurately estimating with less of a chance of going over budget even after you choose your materials. 

Beware of The Lowest Bidder

It’s always great when you can save money during a basement renovation. And it’s important to get a few quotes from different contracting companies prior to selecting the one for your renovation project. However, we recommend that your choice not be simply based on the bottomline of an estimate. Estimates from different companies are never exactly the same, and rarely are homeowners able to easily compare between them. We understand how difficult it is. At Smyth Stolarz Construction, we are here to help. Upon getting a quote from us, we invite you to go over it with us. Learning more about how estimates are created can greatly help you understand the estimates you receive and prevent you from ending up in a situation where a low-bidding company ends up going over budget while underdelivering on your project. 

Considering Renovating Your Edmonton Basement? Contact Smyth Stolarz Construction Ltd. Today for an Accurate Estimate. 780-263-7865